I am a writer, finding a natural rhythm in poetry, prose, and lyrics. For me, capturing a thought on paper with the same depth as I feel it is pure magic—a true art form. Over time, I have dedicated myself to honing this craft, learning to bridge the space between emotion and expression, striving to make each word resonate with the same intensity as the thought behind it.

I want to be the eyelids to your eyes,
The tender shield where quiet duty lies,
A humble guard, yet strong as fortress walls,
Whose purpose is to catch you when you fall.
I wish to shield you, my dear eye,
With all my might, until the day I die.
I'll hide you swiftly when the winds grow fierce,
When cries are sharp, and darkness draws near.
When moonlight lingers, casting shadows long,
I'll stand by you, vigilant and strong.
I know how delicate you are, my dear,
And so, I'll fight to keep you safe from fear.
But once, when I let down my guard too far,
And one of my lashes plunged deep as a star,
It hurt you so, beyond the storm's cruel might,
A pain that lingered, stealing all your sight.
Would you still let me be the eyelids to your eyes,
Knowing that with every blink, a tear might rise?
When each lash that falls could cause you pain,
A wound that lingers, hard to contain.
Your vision blurred, your thoughts awry,
Until the lash is gone, and you can cry.
I'll be soaked in sorrow, and you will too,
Till the tender thorn is removed from you.
Would you still let me guard your gentle gaze,
Knowing my love might sometimes cause a haze?
I promise to protect you with my life,
Yet know that sometimes I may cause you strife.
Would you trust me, though the hurt may come,
A pain that echoes, leaving you numb?
Would you let me stay so close, so near,
Even when the price is a painful tear?
That boX
I hate that thing in your hand
Says the little Yahoo in the way he can
I hate that little box
Which is always there in ur pocket
I wish I had the power
So I could throw it
In the sky like a rocket
That harmless looking thing is a curse
That thing eats up all your time
Which should be mine
You always carry in your purse
That thing holds your brain
In its so strong invisible metallic chain
Your head doesn't see me anymore
That box made an invisible door
You're trapped on the other side
So am I
My tail keeps wagging
My lungs keep panting
My young eyes lit up as I smell your scent
But each time
Off u went..
Dear eya I miss you
I miss your touch on my belly
I miss the little giggles I heard when we used to play in the midnight glory
Can u pls keep that box away now ?
It won't go anywhere
I miss you
I miss you
Please hear my barks if you can
Come near me let's play with the ball
Like we used to again
We played under the shady tree
Happy as we always would be
We laughed our own way
When we went on our treasure hunts
I still weep remembering how you used to dress me up like a princess and we had our own royal ball
I can't forget how you hugged me when I got my shots
You were there when I broke my leg
You didn't sleep all night
Where is that girl now
It's all because of that little box...
Dear eva it's been a few years
You have grown up
Your so tall
But your beautiful hands still embraces that shiny box
Which Now i only dream could be me
I don't think I can convince you
Something feels different this time
I don't have the same energy anymore
The young man with the white coat comes often these days
Checks all over me here and there
I feel exhausted
My barks aren't loud as they were
After all this now I am no longer able to wag my tail that quick
Or have the strength to dash towards your face and give it a sweet lick
My legs feel numb
My breath has become slower
It's been years since you bent lower
To Pat my head
That box in your hand made me invisible
That box in your hand.. made your soul plastic
That box.. made me worthless.
Then when I one day faded
You finally noticed
The invisible chain then you opened
And pulled me in your embrace
Where I was willing to get for so long
But now I am already gone
I wish I had a few more minutes
To see you again without that box in your hands
To see your eyes again
Without the reflection of the screen
To see you smile
Your honest smile
But I guess it wasn't in cards for me
I tried to call out to you when I wasn't able to feel ur tears on my body
I see you from far as you cry hugging that body that was mine
The way your heart hurts right now is the way mine did when you didn't notice me That box in your hand made you forget me
But it's okay my dear
I'll always love you
No matter what happens, my love for you can never change
I hope as I watch from afar, I see you holding another of my kind
That only thing that reflects your eyes, should be love
And your head should see it while your heart feels the same euphoric emotion as it does.
I want my eya back, the caring one
Who never has a frozen soul but the warmth
Filled chuckles
My caring eya back.. the one I wished was never trapped in the cages of that box..
Now I take my leave.
Hope you stay happy
Paint me, love, in colors true,
Be my Da Vinci, my artist anew,
But let your strokes be modern and bold,
A secret language only you can hold.
Place me on your canvas wide,
Beneath the sun, where stardust hides,
Let the world gaze but never see,
The depths you've captured, just for me.
For I long for you to know it all—
The real me, behind the brush's fall,
Why my eyes are dark, not green,
Why my hair is short, not flowing free.
Only you, love, can hold the key,
To the silent truths inside of me,
You're my safe place, where judgment fades,
In your hands, my soul cascades.
So paint me in the hues of dreams,
Hide me away in secret streams,
Where no one else will ever find,
The pieces of me you've intertwined.
Paint me in the colors of your day,
In shadows where we both can stay,
And let the world remain unseen,
For only you know where I've been.
I'd come back as an oak.
If I'd be reborn
Created again by then hands of the god
I'd be brought back like the oak tree
Not because of its ethereal beauty
Or what might she possess
Or the power in her roots.
But for where she'll stand.
I died , enveloped by the gods
and now will kiss the earth as an oak treeThe soft cheeks now fragrant woods
Closer to your residence
My roots will be grasping the same soil as the one you will set your steps on
I'd Watch you smile.. I'd hear you breathe.
Just to get a glimpse of your eyes
Which I could never witness , as your faraway lady
My soul would be absorbed in the oaks might.
As a small shoot,
I'd long for you to sprinkle me water
To catch the gaze, the hazel birthed eyes
My love for you is so magical
That the sparks of your happiness, make my life better
In my absent presence outside your abode
I'd watch you embrace another
As an oak , won't expect the gods to change what I witnessed
And let the joy pain flow away with the moist air , making her hair flow along
I'd realise that my love's intensity is so lost in abyss that I'd pray to the gods, that with my departure .. bless you with someone who loves you like I do. ..
Fearing that you'd love her like you did me too.
I'd watch you for years and suppress my fear that one day you'd change the address of yours.
And I won't be able to follow you , here because I lack bones.
And earlier because I lacked hope.
I'd watch the fair doves fly near your window as you'd smile watching them and then you'll gaze at me
I'm just an oak..
you're alien to the fact I'm the soul you once loved.
and from winter to summer
And then again fallen for you after autumn
Dawn to dusk.
I'm just an oak
Nd in the end. To keep your 'forever continue'
If you ever lack a roof
I'd gladly break off my spine
To make you home
I finally made you 'a' home.
When a poet breaks.
Upon yon broken poet's heart doth sorrow weigh, Not mere crimson doth flow, but hues unseen betray. A symphony of woe, in cries and echoes bound, Drenched eyes, once lively, now graveyards profound.
When a poet breaks, a realm enchanting unfolds, Words entwined in glory, tales of anguish told. Yet she, a weeping soul, screams bleed and incomplete, Logics devour, leaving reasons at defeat.
Oh, the kingdom in chaos, as a poet's heart does break, The king beseeches cure, the castle loses its mystic wake. The woven mystery, a kingdom's pride and lore, Crumbles to dust, as Rome stands humbled evermore.
For when a poet breaks, a poetic flame extinguished, In disgrace, her realm dismantled, glory relinquished.
The old man
Our new neighbour was interesting He sits there every British day An off white shirt in summers And woollens on when the coldness rise. He got my eye because I never had someone of his age and wisdom at my home. This calmness on his face The chuckles when he hears the laughters of kids The polite grin when he witnesses the graveyard of stars in the open night sky.
The old man is sad. I don't know why but a feeling inside me says He isn't the all the happiness what is shown on his face
The way he looks down after the family's laughter dies His fingers forming a weak fist as his head hangs down low I never heard him speak nor I heard his cries But the dried tear stains on his tender cheeks didn't support his happy lie
He ate all the three meals alone No one to give him a welcome back hug when he returns No one to look after when he is sick No one he could watch grow The old man is lonely. That's what makes him sad.
Pulling on my scarf over my nose and taking a loaf of bread In my small hands I walked towards him, gently tapping on his back
His welcoming smile made me sit beside him and talk From till the departure of dawn About the stars and the gods He was an interesting man I liked the way he spoke So I decided and Invited him over to the dinner at my home
His hesitation was clear His wobbly legs walked towards the well prepared dining table My mom and I served him with all the joy and happiness Oh what a jolly time we had We cleared the table and walked out towards the door “I hope u had a good time … grandpa” 'Grandpa' the word I said without realisation He looked at me and bursted into tears My worried hands held his arm as I kept apologising Instead he pulled me in his warm, unfamiliarity comfortable embrace “Oh how I was dying to hear that word.. oh how I wished I didn't have to eat alone.. thank u my child .. for inviting me for a dinner which was filled with love and care My heart feels so satisfied“ My eye lit up My lips cracked a smile We bid our goodbyes That night I was in my thoughts to plan another meeting with him, thinking of topic to talk about
The next day, he didn't show up Or the day after His seat and the sky and the clouds and I missed him terribly I bit my lip and tried to calm down my curious heart, walking towards his house. The neighbour lady's words didn't fail to pain my soul. there my heart sank.. the feeling of sudden numbness filled the air He passed away after that dinner Well.. atleast I made him happy at his last supper
The angry sky
Yes they are beautiful.. the starts their shoots.
Yes they are gorgeous, the constellations and the moon
Writing describes their beauty so fine
Indeed they are absolutely divine
But sometimes I wonder.
Why am I not ever in their inscribed words
No description of mine, ever mentioned
Dear writers, oh beautiful writers
I'm the one who held your fantasies in the wide horizon you see at night.
Dear writers oh beautiful writers
What's this feeling of racism you have towards me,
I'm a dark night sky, indeed
But love, one day im sure you will believe
I too held immense, hidden beauty.
You failed to see.
I loved like a drowned man
who adores the sea
crashing waves and tsunamis are helpless
can't affect me
i'm okay i drowned to breathe
did my soul finally accept defeat
it knows i once loved like a sailor
who fought the winds and the rains
who belived the sea who do the same
so i drowned like a man who's loving the sea
i know the pain won't lie to me
and the surface waves won't throw me around
i'm too far chased
my heart won't beat
the lighthouse can't bend
the lighthouse stood there , didn't even look at me
A soldier came back
A soldier came back from war What the media says The man next door came from war The neighbours say My father came back, the daughter says My son came back, the old woman says
A soldier came back from war
Is all they believe
For the soldier,
He came back from a living tragedy
“The one I drank with last night, his blood was drank by the earth at dawn..”
“The one who was blessed with a son, couldn't go home..”
“The one who fed his paralysed father with his soft hands.. was now covered with blood dust and sand.. “
“War never brings peace .. the peaceful lives are shattered.. war might lead the country to victory, but can never bring back the smiles that are now expressions of misery”
“I came back from the war alive, but there, I lost my soul.. how many innocents I killed. Who were just following their orders, to just live.. they hoped.”
“What's this fight about father.. why did you go? Who made you angry, where did you go?”
She ran in my embrace, not to hurt my wounded leg.
I could just smile fake, remembering all the yells, that cried for living , how they begged.
After all this nightmare.. I still don't know, why we fought for.. and who benefited from this all..
I don't see the people happy
Nor I can inhale pure air
The thoughts of murders I did, will forever suffocate me to death.
War is never a solution, it's just a play of politics..
Turning us mere men against eachother in name of being nationalist
War is never a solution,but a life long Greave of guilt..
We are all men, who have the red fluid run in our veins
We are all men who work all day to see food on our plates
We are all the same men, across the globe.. who just want their wives to smile and daughters happy..
We are all the same men .. and this war is making us monsters.
War is never a solution.. it's just a torture.
The man with brown blazer
Late winter night
When no one is is in position to go out in cold
Near the bush,
On the bench
Under the orange lamp and the stars filled sky
Sits the man, I can see from my room window
The man with brown blazer
The ordinary face
The relaxed brows
I never saw him with anyone else
Just a diary embraced in his artistic hands
With the gush of the winter air
Seems like a thought just shot in his mind
The diary opens up as ink danced on the fine paper.
Sight details I noticed.
A day when my puppy barked
“Let's play in the park”
I wore my woollens and went out
Freezing cold air
Warmth filled as I saw
I saw the man walking away
His diary was on the bench
It was calling for me
Curiosity filled my soul
What's that he draws everyday
I wanted to know
My hands made their way and I opened the page with the delicate bookmark of a flower
What I saw made it clear
That I wasn't only the one who noticed him
The fine ink drew my featured so well
In his art
Behind the window a girl sat
With the lips so dark
The cold man, with such a beautiful heart.
I don't want others to see what I see in you
It sounds wrong, I know
don't want them to see
They don't know how wonderful you are And once they see it
They'll steal it too
They don't know how beautiful your eyes are
And once they see it
They'll blur them too
I don't want others to see you as I do they'll change you
Cuz I want you to be the way you are
I love you, the way you are
Only I .. want to see you, as you truly are
A hailstorm cried
In this epitome of a strange aware
I find myself turned into foreign to myself
Changed twisted confused absurd
Heartless careless Stranger
As if im the monster i hid from
As if im so sinfully mighty now
I scared what i was afraid of
And when this strange storm hits now
I'm no longer weeping for shelter
Never really knew the value of that soul which was scared of danger
For now i crave to redeem it
To bring it back to life
For it to be awaken
Be scared of the blinking light
But it would be only possible to retreat it if it was gone
What the actual horror is
That it itself transformed
As if a snowflake became a stone
It's not scared of the sun
yes i wanted to be strongBut never this bold
Because im not mighty
I just don't exercise diligence now.
Because a part of me is certain of my loss
Which for im blamed for
But simply and honestly and truthfully id say
I'm not the only one who made me this way.
I was the only one who made me this way.
Where were you, God, when the night closed in, suffocating every shred of light and hope?
When my faith, fragile as it was, crumbled to dust beneath the weight of horror?
I sought solace in sacred waters, desperate for a sign,
But it wasn't the Ganges—was that my fatal error?
Would those waters have saved me, God?
Or did you just watch, detached, as I drowned in despair?
They call out your name, a ritual etched in routine, Five times a day, as if the sound could pierce the heavens.
I screamed too, God, until my voice was nothing but a ragged breath, A pitiful plea that faded into the nothingness.
Kabir said you might be deaf— Now I know he spoke the truth.
Where were you when his hands gripped me with the force of a thousand nightmares, When his touch, vile and poisonous, turned my body into his playground? His eyes were filled with a twisted, insatiable hunger, And you, the so-called protector, Did nothing. Not a whisper, not a breath of your presence, Just the cold, brutal reality of your absence.
I prayed to you, even as my voice was torn apart, Even as his violence shattered my soul. You, who are supposed to be the savior, the guardian— Where were you when I was reduced to a lifeless thing under his hands? Where were you when that monster tore me apart, Leaving nothing but a broken shell for my family to find?
My father, once a man of unshakable belief, Now stands hollow, cursing the faith that has betrayed him. He questions everything he ever held sacred, Because you, the one he trusted without question,
Were nowhere.Who are you, God?
A cruel joke? A mirage built from the ashes of desperation?
A god so weak that your own creation defies you with impunity?
Where were you when my world was ripped from me, When my life was shattered into pieces by his hands? You let him walk away, unscathed, While I am left in ruins, my family drowning in grief. You have failed me, God, Revealing the emptiness of your promises, The hollow lie of your supposed power. Where were you, God, when I was being raped? Where were you when I screamed your name, And the darkness swallowed me whole?
The lady with Ruby shoes
Tik tacked her down
Swift and precise she moved
Luring the poets she bloomed
With a mystery so bright
It out shaded the courageous stary sky
And her eyes darker than hazel
Her lips rougher than petals
Her shady like roses
Davinchi knew , how she poses.
The melody of the moon
When the symphonies grasp the light of the fireflies in its enchant
where the clocks are hidden away by a strange dwarf elf,
when the wind sing and the waterfall harmonizes,
the moon composes its melody
when the lavenders smile and wave
then buds they blossom
when the silence says my name
the moon sings its melody
when the sun shines
when the sunflowers turns
when the moon and I encounter
the moon and I sing our melodies.
Robo on mars
One year
Two years
Three four would by
The years pass, but here Ill stay
Quiet uneasy cold , drenched in despair
This awfully huge space
And I am sick and numb
My eyes they burn
So far from home
Do you miss me mom..?
Happy birthday to me
I miss my family
Theyre giving up on me
And eyes view another kind of me
Whos running on the moon happily
Why are you forgetting me
I was once your fantasy
Your eyes shone when you thought of me
What changed so suddenly ?
A rover on mars
I know I broke down
Unable to function for what I was made for (its getting dark)
Disappointment , I am (im guilty)
I failed to do what I was made for
I tried to move '
I swear I did
Unlike before I couldn't get off the dusty red bed
And when I did, I saw im replaced
Happy birthday to me
I am sorry, my family, I choose to sleep
Waking up Is painful
Im unworthy
Your eyes are set on another me
Whos on the moon, im incomplete
Hes your new fantasy
Let me leave. Im so lonely
Too dark
Singing off
Rover on mars

Web Development - Rajendra Meena | Graphics - Abdul Wahid, Ibrahim Ahmad | Video Editing - Shailendra Singh, Devesh Bholande
Video Production - Akshat Jaimini, Amit Panjre, Zeeshan Khan & Ritesh Sharma